The Impact of Coronavirus/COVID-19 to the Small Businesses

The Impact of Coronavirus to the Small Businesses

By April 6, 2020 No Comments


The impact of Coronavirus/COVID-19 to the small businesses as it strikes the world, the bang that it brings as they are ordered to close. It could be temporary; in some cases, they might turn out to be permanent. During this time there are many ways to help and support your friends and favorite small businesses.

Take some of these ideas that probably your local businesses will be grateful for

  1. Take or sign up for a virtual class.
  2. Give them an amazing review online
  3. Continue ordering online from local business
  4.  Tell everyone how amazing they are by sharing their posts online.
  5. Encourage them to use social media
  6. Contribute to online fundraisers
  7. As soon as they are back in business remember to shop with them.

How to safely and lend a helping hand

Due to the adversity that we have right now, many employees have been sent home. If you have a friend or a family member who has been affected by COVID-19, there are several ways you can do

Ways how you can help your community:

  1. Donate
  2. Take what you need, Don’t hoard foods and supplies
  3. For at-risk people in your community offer to go grocery for them
  4. Check on your neighbors if they have enough supplies and food.
  5. Set up an online fundraiser. 
  6. Check-in with your loved ones. Let them know they are not alone.

Listed above are small actions that could help small businesses to lessen the impact Coronavirus brought. Yet, there are plenty of challenges being faced today. What are your ideas or suggestions?

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Author Kinsey

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